The Megavan tells the endearing story of a young family sharing life experiences and building their family foundation. All their adventures are told through the eyes of someone who is there for it all: their trusty minivan!
About the author: Mark Therrien is an author and stay-at-home dad to three lively kids and one friendly dog. He and his wife, Ashley, live in Coon Rapids, Minnesota. When he is not writing, Mark enjoys living room wrestling matches with his kids, Minnesota Twins baseball games, and a late-night bowl of cereal. Mark is a proud driver of a 2011 Honda Odyssey minivan, which was his inspiration for this story.
About the illustrator: Kevin Cannon is an artist whose work has been featured everywhere from graphic novels to puzzles to roleplaying games. Kevin has illustrated numerous children's books, including Lucy and Ben Play Pond Hockey and Evie Listens. Kevin was beyond thrilled to be the commemorative artist for the 2021 Minnesota State Fair and the 2022 Saint Paul Winter Carnival. He lives in the Twin Cities with his wife and son.